
Anushay’s Point On CNN: Republicans Underestimate Women

The Kavanaugh confirmation hearings further divided a country already split down the middle over emotional and cultural issues such as race relations, child detentions, immigration, and of course, women’s rights. I went on CNN’s New Day weekend to talk about Dr. Ford, why I believe women, and how rape culture is very much alive in

Anushay’s Point On CNN: Republicans Underestimate Women Read More »

Anushay’s Point On MSNBC: Will #MeToo Change How We View Supreme Court Nominees?

A lot of people think the news has become difficult to keep up with, but when you’re job is to analyze the news in Trump’s America, the barrage of breaking news can be relentless. Nevertheless, it was good to be back on-air and on AM Joy this weekend talking Supreme Court nominee and #MeToo. Decades

Anushay’s Point On MSNBC: Will #MeToo Change How We View Supreme Court Nominees? Read More »

Anushay’s Point On MSNBC: Sexual Abuse Is Not A Partisan Issue

With the media in the US erupting with allegations of sexual harassment and abuse amongst some of the highest-profile figures in every industry from politics to Hollywood, I went on MSNBC to discuss the latest sexual predator, Republican Senate candidate, accused child molester, Roy Moore. But can the GOP survive backing both Trump, who stands

Anushay’s Point On MSNBC: Sexual Abuse Is Not A Partisan Issue Read More »

Why Are We Not Holding Trump Accountable For Abusing Women?

*This article of mine is published on The Huffington Post.* The sexual harassment spotlight is squarely fixed on the political world of Washington right now as women’s claims consume the marble steps and halls of Capitol Hill. Not only are we learning that sexual harassment is rampant in Congress, but that over $15 million has

Why Are We Not Holding Trump Accountable For Abusing Women? Read More »

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