Donald Trump

Anushay’s Point On MSNBC: Trump Is Not A Patriot

It is always an honor to be on MSNBC’s AM Joy, but this weekend was extra special because I got to be on a panel with one of my favorite bad-ass journalists, Sarah Kendzior. Kendzior is considered a major voice and specializes in authoritarian states, so it was truly fascinating listening to her thoughts and analysis on

Anushay’s Point On MSNBC: Trump Is Not A Patriot Read More »

Why Are We Not Holding Trump Accountable For Abusing Women?

*This article of mine is published on The Huffington Post.* The sexual harassment spotlight is squarely fixed on the political world of Washington right now as women’s claims consume the marble steps and halls of Capitol Hill. Not only are we learning that sexual harassment is rampant in Congress, but that over $15 million has

Why Are We Not Holding Trump Accountable For Abusing Women? Read More »

Anushay’s Point On CNN: Trump Should Apologize To Muslim World

Maternity leave? What maternity leave? The news never sleeps so four days after giving birth to my second child, I found myself making my CNN New Day weekend debut. I spoke about Trump’s first overseas trip which kicked off in Saudia Arabia where Trump, in addition to signing a multi-billion dollar arms deal with the Kingdom,

Anushay’s Point On CNN: Trump Should Apologize To Muslim World Read More »

Ivanka And Jared Will Rule Trump’s America

*This post of mine is published on CNN.* Despite ethical concerns around Donald Trump appointing his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, as senior adviser in his administration, both Kushner and his wife, Ivanka Trump, have stepped down from their respective businesses, sending a clear signal they are getting ready to enter the crucial roles they will have

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