Toxic Culture of Violence Against Women Must End in Bangladesh

*This article of mine is published in Bangla in The Daily Ittefaq.* When it comes to the issue of violence against women and girls in Bangladesh, the reality is an ugly one. Despite Bangladesh’s strides on the international stage as a “development star” and a favorite when it comes to achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable […]

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Christy Turlington Talks To Anushay’s Point About Rohingya Crisis

*This article of mine is published on Women in the World/ New York Times.* More than 500,000 Rohingya refugees have fled Myanmar seeking refuge in nearby Bangladesh since August. That accounts for half of Burma’s extremely persecuted ethnic minority Rohingya population. Although the group has been oppressed by the Burmese military and government for decades, this recent exodus can be traced back

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Anushay’s Point On CNN: World Must Help Bangladesh Save The Rohingya

Since August 25th, over 400,000 Rohingya people, a Muslim minority group ethnic to Myanmar, have literally been pouring into Bangladesh, causing a humanitarian crisis amongst one of the most persecuted groups in the world. And the number of people fleeing the recent violence and persecution are not going to stop anytime soon. I went on CNN

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Aung San Suu Kyi’s Tragic Silence Over The Rohingya

*This post of mine is also published on CNN.* Amnesty describes it as “collective punishment.” A senior UN official suggested the goal appears to be “ethnic cleansing.” Regardless of how it is described, it is clear the violence unleashed by Myanmar against its minority Rohingya Muslim population has been devastating. John McKissick, with the Office

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Secular Blogger Bloodbath Continues in Bangladesh

*This post of mine was also published on The Daily Beast.* A spate of assaults confirms that secular Bangladeshi bloggers, and apparently those who dare to publish their work, are very much under attack in the one of the world’s most populated Muslim countries. Yesterday, two separate violent attacks on the lives of publishers and

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Why Is My Country Numb to a Child’s Murder?

*This post of mine was also published on The Daily Beast.* This morning, Raja, a 16-year-old Bangladeshi boy, was beaten to death at a local political party heavyweight’s home after being accused of stealing the BCL (Bangladesh Chhatra League) leader’s laptop and mobile phone from his Hazaribagh residence on the outskirts of the country’s capital, Dhaka. However, it

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