American Politics

Nikki Haley’s political chess move on Trump

* This article of mine is published on CNN.* Nikki Haley, the former US ambassador to the United Nations, raised eyebrows Friday for defending President Donald Trump by stating that she believes the President did not commit an impeachable offense in his dealings with Ukraine. Although Haley has publicly clashed with the Trump White House, she is one […]

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Anushay’s Point On MSNBC: Sexual Abuse Is Not A Partisan Issue

With the media in the US erupting with allegations of sexual harassment and abuse amongst some of the highest-profile figures in every industry from politics to Hollywood, I went on MSNBC to discuss the latest sexual predator, Republican Senate candidate, accused child molester, Roy Moore. But can the GOP survive backing both Trump, who stands

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Anushay’s Point On CNN: Democrats Must Focus On Party Unity

Never a dull moment in Washington these days, but last week I returned to CNN to talk about Republican versus Democratic leadership. With the Democrats voting in Tom Perez over Keith Elison, who is both Muslim and African-American, there is no denying that there was an initial feeling of being let down as the latter was

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