HuffPost Live Features Anushay’s Point

Great being on HuffPoLive talking FGM in the US & more.
Great being on HuffPoLive talking FGM in the US & more.

When I first launched my blog in 2009, my only two readers were my husband and my mother. It would have stayed that way as well if my post on Afghan women didn’t get picked up by chance by The Huffington Post, the most linked to blog in the world.

Flash-forward to six years later, and not only does the Internet’s newspaper have a live-streaming online channel, but they featured both myself and my Daily Beast article on the rampant use of cow steroids amongst Bangladeshi prostitutes.

Great being on the show which features the big women stories of the week.
Great being on the show which features the big women stories of the week.

It was great to be on with fellow independent journalist and Mid-East expert, Anna Day. The show talked about the rise of FGM in the US, child prostitution in Bangladesh, domestic violence in the NFL and more.

The host of the show, Caroline Modarressy -Tehrani really understood the urgency of investing in women’s health and rights, and I thought she did an excellent job of weaving how interconnected the issues that affect women are with every aspect of society.

Back to Back: I came back the next day as a guest on “Politcal Junkies.”

You can watch the full segment here. We need more shows like this online and on-air in general.

The very next HuffPostLive asked me back to discuss my second favorite topic after all things women’s rights which would be politics. I talked Putin, Gaza and more with a fantastic and diverse panel that included Revlon face model, Mikey Kay.

You never know who is a real political junkie inside. Check out the full episode here.

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