Women’s Health

Pregnant Pause: We Should Applaud Facebook and Apple

*This post of mine was also published in Forbes Woman, The Huffington Post & ClickIttefaq.* Facebook and Apple reignited the whether or not women can “have it all” debate yesterday by announcing that they would pay the $10,000 price tag that comes with egg-freezing for their female employees. Two of the most culturally powerful companies in the world are offering

Pregnant Pause: We Should Applaud Facebook and Apple Read More »

Could The Hobby Lobby Ruling Affect Women Around The World?

*This post of mine was published on Forbes Woman & The Huffington Post.* When I was growing up in Bangladesh in the early 1980s, I used to imagine America as a feminist utopia. Before I even stepped foot on her soil, I pictured America as a country where women enjoyed full equal rights, especially when it came to controlling

Could The Hobby Lobby Ruling Affect Women Around The World? Read More »

Savita’s Sacrifice: Indian Woman’s Death Puts Ireland & Abortion in the Spotlight

Wrapping up another great week at Al-Jazeera and it never ceases to amaze me how much I learn from each show we do. From Kuwait’s demand for democracy to young scientists changing the world to Argentina’s message war to the use of social media in the Israel-Palestinian crisis to medicating poverty,  each time I co-anchor the Stream, I

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Obama to Insurance Companies: Being a Woman is Not a Preexisting Condition

Big victory for American women today as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) goes into effect. Many of you might be wondering what exactly I am talking about, what the big deal is, or how this effects you. Starting today, millions of women across the United States will be able to access a wide range of reproductive health services.

Obama to Insurance Companies: Being a Woman is Not a Preexisting Condition Read More »

The Best Place To Be a Woman: A Conversation With Monique Villa

Canada is the best place to be a woman, and India is the worst according to a new poll by Thomson Reuters Foundation. The legal news service launched a global poll of experts this week ranking countries for women in the G20, putting the US, which “polarised opinion due to issues surrounding reproductive rights and affordable healthcare,” in sixth place. Access to healthcare and policies that advocate gender equality

The Best Place To Be a Woman: A Conversation With Monique Villa Read More »

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