US Immigration

Anushay On MSNBC: Immigration Policy Formulated By White Nationalists

My last media appearance of 2019, and of this decade, was on none other than UP! with David Gura. But the highlight of this segment was to be on with Yamiche Alcindor, fresh of hosting the third Democratic debates, hosted by PBS and Politico. We talked about the next phase of Trump’s impeachment, how Stephen

Anushay On MSNBC: Immigration Policy Formulated By White Nationalists Read More »

Anushay’s Point On CNN: Muslim Ban Is Un-American

Although Trump ran on a largely anti-Muslim campaign and made a proposed “Muslim Ban” a key promise of his candidacy, few thought he would actually be able to pull it off given something called the US Constitution. But by tweaking the language of his latest executive order to stipulate nationality over religion, on Friday Trump

Anushay’s Point On CNN: Muslim Ban Is Un-American Read More »

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