To The Contrary

Colleges Do Not Want To Deal With Campus Sexual Assault

After its summer hiatus, PBS’ To The Contrary returned with a bang. On Friday, my fellow To The Contrary panelists and I, with our legendary host, Bonnie Erbe, tackled sexual assault on campus, Donald Trump, immigration and Hillary Clinton’s stance on women’s rights. My stipulation always focuses on identifying rape culture, first and foremost. Most

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Anushay’s Point: Women Not Always Aware When Paid Less

This week on PBS’ To The Contrary, we took on pay equity, how social media impacts marriage, anti-poverty experiments, and mothers who abandon their children. Washington, DC Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton and I agreed on the apparently complicated issue of pay equality while some of our fellow panelists did not. I just cannot get my

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Anushay’s Point On PBS: US Military Will Not Safeguard Afghan Women’s Rights

Last Friday, I was honored to return to PBS’ To The Contrary to talk about the impact US troop withdrawal will have on women’s rights in Afghanistan. Afghan women’s rights was the first feminist human rights issue that I was involved with, and it really galvanized my work. It was the focus of my first

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Anushay’s Point: Generalizing Muslims Needs To End

It was great returning to PBS’ To The Contrary last week to talk about the Vatican and women, female rangers, and Former UN official May Rihani’s new book in which she says Islam, the west, and other cultures are more similar than many realize. I could not agree with Ms. Rihani more, and I took

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Anushay’s Point On PBS: Men Are Most Important Allies In Feminism

I totally belief that feminism and gender equality cannot truly advance if we do not have our most important allies working hand in hand with us -men. Most feminists know and agree with this, but it still comes as a shock for others to hear, but just think about how much men lose from restrictive gender norms

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Zero Tolerance: Responding To UVA’s Rape On Campus On PBS

Saying it has been a difficult few weeks for anyone associated with the University of Virginia, as alum, students, faculty or sexual assault victims, would be an understatement. After the explosive investigative report in Rolling Stone magazine, my beloved alma mater became the face of the campus sexual assault in America. Who is to blame?

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Anushay’s Point: Violence Against Women Knows No Bounds

There really are so few shows on US TV like PBS’ To The Contrary that analyzes news on women’s rights from diverse female perspectives. This week we talked about female genital mutilation (FGM) rising in the US, Clinton vs Warren and the Hobby Lobby family wanting to build a church on the National Mall. The issue of

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Anushay’s Point: Feminism Is Good For Business

Last Friday, the US State Department released a new report focusing on trafficking victims’ journey to becoming survivors. This is the topic PBS’ To The Contrary opened the show with. We hear so much much about the trafficking of women and children overseas, that we often forget it’s a massive problem here in America. This

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