Anushay’s Point On MSNBC: Birth Control Is Healthcare

It was such an honor to be back on MSNBC’s Am Joy show with two of my feminist icons, Zerina Maxwell and Irin Carmon for a “power panel” discussion on Obama’s birth control mandate being rolled back by who else but Donald sexual-assaulter-in-chief,  Donald Trump. It never fails to blow my mind how real and […]

Anushay’s Point On MSNBC: Birth Control Is Healthcare Read More »

Ivanka Trump: It Pays To Be The President’s Daughter

*This post of mine is published on CNN.* As the President got ready to sell his latest executive order to the American public, an overhaul of the H-1B skilled worker visa program, under his “Buy American, Hire American” slogan, Ivanka Trump appeared to be busy protecting the real emerald of the Trump family’s vast business

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