Bangladeshi Rape Victim Flogged To Death

**This is a developing story and has been updated** Hena Begum, a 14-year-old old Bangladeshi girl, was publicly flogged recently in Shariatpur, 35 miles outside of the capital, Dhaka after being accused of having an affair with her 40-year-old old married cousin. According to the BBC, a village court made up of Islamic clerics and elders […]

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Nobody’s ‘Basket Case:’ Bangladesh Leads The Muslim World by Example

Former National Security Adviser and US Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger never supported the liberation of Bangladesh, famously declaring in 1971, the year Bangladesh won its independence from Pakistan, that “the place is and always will be a basket case.” In the years that followed it seemed as though Bangladesh had succumbed to this dehumanization.

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Conflict & Development: Anushay’s Point on The World Bank’s Blog

The World Bank’s Blog, Conflict and Development: Overcoming Conflict and Fragility, ran an edited version of a post I had written on Bangladesh just in time for the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Summit in New York. Please take the time to read my piece, “Improving Maternal Health in Bangladesh,”  featured on the World Bank’s website,

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Sex & Drugs: Animal Steroid Use Rampant Amongst Bangladeshi Prostitutes

The use of the Oradexon, a steroid commonly used to make cows fatter, is so widespread amongst prostitutes in Bangladesh that the UK charity, ActionAid reports approximately 90% of the country’s commercial sex workers are addicted to the drug. Why is a steroid meant for cows so popular amongst prostitutes in Bangladesh? Hundreds of thousands

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Bangladesh: Development Star?

This September, Bangladesh is expected to stand out as the “development star” when countries meet at the United Nations in New York to reaffirm their commitments to the UN’s Millennium Development Goals. The 2015 deadline is looming on the goals, which include ending poverty, achieving gender equality, and improving world health. Bangladesh’s achievements may be

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The Daily Femme Features “Anushay’s Point!”

I was approached by The Daily Femme for an interview to be featured on their fantastic website for women. They had some really great questions for me on my favorite topic- feminism! We discussed the misconception surrounding women’s rights movements, my mother, my country Bangladesh, US foreign policy on global feminism, Yeardley Love’s murder at

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The Case of Japan’s Princess Masako: Sons Over Daughters

The other day, I was reading this post about how Japan’s Princess Aiko has been missing school because of bullying by some boys at her elementary school. While this news is disturbing in itself, what caught my attention was the reference the article made to Aiko’s mother, Princess Masako. Anybody remember this woman? Her story

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Why The Attacks On Hillary Clinton Must Stop

During the 2008 Presidential Campaign, I felt as though coming to the defense of Hillary Clinton was my job. I think it is fair to say that the level of attacks- both personal and professional- that were mounted on this woman were of a height and intensity rarely seen. Anybody remember the Hillary Clinton nutcracker

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