
We Are Living In The Handmaid’s Tale

*This article of mine is published on CNN.* There’s a reason why women and feminists these days are so quick to refer to Canadian author Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel “The Handmaid’s Tale” when it comes to describing America’s abortion politics. The latest eerie resemblance between our present day society and the one set in the […]

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Savita’s Sacrifice: Indian Woman’s Death Puts Ireland & Abortion in the Spotlight

Wrapping up another great week at Al-Jazeera and it never ceases to amaze me how much I learn from each show we do. From Kuwait’s demand for democracy to young scientists changing the world to Argentina’s message war to the use of social media in the Israel-Palestinian crisis to medicating poverty,  each time I co-anchor the Stream, I

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1971 Rapes: Bangladesh Cannot Hide History

The post- Liberation War generation of Bangladesh know stories from 1971 all too well. Our families are framed and bound by the history of this war. What Bangladeshi family has not been touched by the passion, famine, murders and blood that gave birth to a new nation as it seceded from Pakistan? Bangladesh was one

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