Saying it has been a difficult few weeks for anyone associated with the University of Virginia, as alum, students, faculty or sexual assault victims, would be an understatement.
After the explosive investigative report in Rolling Stone magazine, my beloved alma mater became the face of the campus sexual assault in America.

Who is to blame? Fraternities, a binge-drinking culture, systematized negligence of sexual assault or all three? It was difficult to look at UVA under such a scrutinizing light, but as a feminist and as an alum, I was obligated to analyze it honestly.
PBS’ To The Contrary Opportunity to discuss a rape, and clearly hundreds of others on UVA’s grounds, in addition to the gender gap in the US, and conservative wooing by Turkey’s Prime Minister who just stated that women and men can never be equal.

Is this guy for real? I answer that and more, or at least I try to. Check out the full episode here:
And if you want to listen to my fellow alum, Bilal Qureshi break down the UVA crisis, listen to the second ever episode of the B Sides here: