Mic’s Executive Social Editor, and fabulous feminist crusader, are two of Elizabeth Plank‘s favorite positions, but she wanted to know yours might be. Now before you let your mind wander too far, of course we are not talking about what you think we are talking about, as Plank herself explains:
When reality television star and fashion blogger Lauren Conrad was asked what her “favorite position” was on a live radio program a while back, the women listening held their breath. Although we take great pride in the work that we do, most of us could relate to being undermined and belittled publicly at work. When Conrad cleverly retorted “CEO,” it was hard not to aggressively high-five our laptop and mobile devices. The words “hell” and “yeah” could be heard all across the nation.
Plank took this question to 23 women whose work range from media to advocacy, and asked them what position gives us the most joy. I was so excited to be asked to be one of the women.

Can you guess what my answer was? Check out the full awesome article here.
Enjoy & remember OC’s LC the next time someone tries to degrade or objectify you as a woman.