White Supremacy

Anushay On CNN: Racism Is Trump’s Reelection Strategy

After Trump’s series of attacks on the four freshmen congresswomen, who happen to all be women of color, I went on Hala Gorani’s CNN International show to give my thoughts on the president’s racism. Racism isn’t a bug of this Administration- it’s the feature. And an important reelection strategy for Trump. Watch below!

Anushay On CNN: Racism Is Trump’s Reelection Strategy Read More »

Anushay’s Point On CNN: Why Won’t Trump Denounce White Supremacists?

My beautiful college town of Charlottesville, Virginia was lit on fire by white supremacists over the weekend, and before I could even absorb the news, I was on the news. While it is unbelievable to be that some Trump surrogates are still hitting the airwaves and justifying Trump’s actions, or lack thereof, in the aftermath

Anushay’s Point On CNN: Why Won’t Trump Denounce White Supremacists? Read More »

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