Rape as Weapon of War

Why is the mass sexualized violence of Bangladesh’s Liberation War being ignored?

*This post of mine is also published on Women in the World/New York Times.* One of my earliest memories about Bangladesh’s 1971 War of Independence is a story my mother told me about the bodies Pakistani soldiers would dump across the capital, Dhaka. She said you would go to search the mass graves in certain

Why is the mass sexualized violence of Bangladesh’s Liberation War being ignored? Read More »

Anushay’s Point: More Must Be Done To Stop Rape As Weapon Of War

Last week on PBS, we talked about a host of issues including sexual violence during war, the ethics of surrogacy and how we can effectively tackle child abuse. Often when we talk about rape as a weapon of war, we approach the issue as an inevitable product of conflict. We must change this attitude. As Angelina

Anushay’s Point: More Must Be Done To Stop Rape As Weapon Of War Read More »

The War Heroine Speaks: A Special Series on Women And Bangladesh’s Independence War

This past May, an interview with an Australian doctor, who performed late-term abortions on Bangladeshi rape victims from the 1971 War of Independence, came to my attention. The more I read and the more I researched online, I found countless testimonies and even some old news footage, providing evidence to what Bangladeshis already know, but

The War Heroine Speaks: A Special Series on Women And Bangladesh’s Independence War Read More »

1971 Rapes: Bangladesh Cannot Hide History

The post- Liberation War generation of Bangladesh know stories from 1971 all too well. Our families are framed and bound by the history of this war. What Bangladeshi family has not been touched by the passion, famine, murders and blood that gave birth to a new nation as it seceded from Pakistan? Bangladesh was one

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41 Years Later: Women’s Rights in Bangladesh

This past Monday, the 26th of March, was Bangladesh’s 41st Independence Anniversary. I was so happy that the issue of women’s rights four decades after we separated from Pakistan was featured on “The Stream” on Al-Jazeera. I had worked for months to get this issue on air. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcsknTDJN4M&feature=player_embedded#!q] Bangladesh is often touted as a “development

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