Anushay On MSNBC: Immigration Policy Formulated By White Nationalists

My last media appearance of 2019, and of this decade, was on none other than UP! with David Gura. But the highlight of this segment was to be on with Yamiche Alcindor, fresh of hosting the third Democratic debates, hosted by PBS and Politico. We talked about the next phase of Trump’s impeachment, how Stephen

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Anushay On MSNBC: No Intention To Reunite Separated Families

It was so great to be back in NYC and go live from the Rockefeller Center for MSNBC’s show, UP! We talked all the latest in impeachment hearings, the London stabbing, Jared Kushner’s ridiculously large portfolio, and how the Trump Administration never had any intention to reunite the families they separated at the border. You

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Anushay On Morning Joe: Khashoggi Murder Taints Global Press Freedom

As Trump left for the UK and Jared Kushner gave his disastrous interview to Axios, I went back on MSNBC’s Morning Joe to talk about the US and UK’s “special relationship,” and why Jamal Khashoggi’s murder will taint America’s legacy of protecting press freedom around the world. You can watch the first clip here and

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Anushay ON AM Joy: Trump Lives In Fox News Fantasy World

The new year in Trump’s America started with the third government shutdown of this president, and American federal workers, 800,000 of them to be exact, are feeling the pinch. I went on MSNBC’s “AM Joy” to talk about the mutually dependent and dangerous relationship between Trump and Fox News and how it affects the president’s

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Anushay’s Point on MSNBC: Trump Misinformed on Immigration

As the brilliant Joy Reid leads rating surges across cable news, it is more than an honor to be on her show regularly. Last week, we talked Parkland survivor, David Hogg’s incredibly successful boycott of Fox News’ Laura Ingram’s show advertisers, and then went into breaking news about Trump’s Easter Day tweets on DACA. You can

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