Why Is It So Hard For America To Accept A Woman President?

*This post of mine is also published on Women in the World/ The New York Times.* Whether you’re voting for Hillary or Trump or neither, it is hard to argue that the one consistent theme that has plagued the 2016 presidential race has been toxic misogyny. From the Republican nominee’s bragging in a 2005 leaked

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Hillary Makes History, Seizes Party Nomination

*This post of mine is also published on The Daily Ittefaq.* It feels like Independence Day here in Washington as America wakes up to history with Hillary Clinton securing the Democratic presidential nomination, officially becoming the first woman in America’s 240 year history to lead the presidential ticket of a major political party, as CNN

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Will Millennial Voters Switch To Clinton?

Although many have all but written off Bernie Sanders’ chances of securing the Democratic nomination, Hillary stipulated on CNN that she does not consider herself the presumptive nominee, despite it now being mathematically impossible for Sanders to win at this point. I went on CNN’s Newsroom to talk about what Clinton needs from Sanders, focusing

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Millennial Women Will Vote For Best Candidate

So much controversy has erupted over Gloria Steinem and fmr. Secretary of State, Madeline Albright’s apparent chiding of younger women voters that personally, I am annoyed by the story. And that is exactly what I said when I went on CNN with Democratic strategist, Hillary Rosen. Although the clip shows the part of the segment during which

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