It was such a powerful and beautiful evening in Manhattan, New York honoring trailblazing feminists such as Abigail Disney, Patricia Viseur Sellers, and Tina Tchen at the inaugural Global Justice Awards.

Not only was it an honor to emcee the event, but I am so lucky that I got to share the evening with my mom who was visiting from Bangladesh.

The Global Justice Center (GJC) was founded in 2005 to fill a critical need in the international human rights field to fight for gender equality through the rule of law.

In just ten years, the Global Justice Center, has scored landmark victories for women around the world and laid the groundwork for many more.
GJC believes that enforcing treaties and international human rights laws can be a catalyst for radical change, moving these hard-won rights from paper to practice, and promoting “power, not pity” as they advocate for justice.