Last week on PBS, we talked about a host of issues including sexual violence during war, the ethics of surrogacy and how we can effectively tackle child abuse.
Often when we talk about rape as a weapon of war, we approach the issue as an inevitable product of conflict. We must change this attitude. As Angelina Jolie stipulated during her conference to end sexual violence in conflict, in conjunction with the UK Government this past summer, rape is a strategic tool of war and we must approach it as such.

The ethics surrounding surrogacy were also discussed during this episode. While I wholeheartedly support women and their families who choose this route, it is the sub-culture of the business where women are exploited, treated as “cupcake ovens” and have no say over the relationship they have, or do not have, with the children they bear that I am most concerned about.
Check out the full episode below. Do you agree with the business of surrogacy? How can we detect and prevent child abuse? Let me know your thoughts.